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Hey! You've made it to my site! Thanks for making it this far! Here's a little information about me;


My name is Christian Barbosa, I'm a California native and over the years I've struggled between balancing my passion for technology, for the outdoors and my love for digital art and design. Luckily that's in the past! I found the answer in graphic design and photography. During my schooling at CSU, Monterey Bay I became heavily involved in the graphic design and outdoor communities on campus.


During my time at California State University, Monterey Bay I became ; President of Design Studio, the digital artist student organization on campus; Pioneered the position of graphic designer for CSUMB Recreation and served in that position for 3 years; and became a senior leader for the Outdoor Leadership Program, where I developed my leadership skills and abilities to work in diverse teams and environments.


These among many other experiences lead to this very moment and this website! Here you'll find a collection of artwork that I've created, so have a look around and make yourself at home.


If you'd like to collaborate head over to my contact page and let me know what you have in mind!

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